Welcome to Imcians, a website that recorded all my adventure, the life that I experience around the world; trying to give readers what life can be liked without fear when something you want to achieve. 


A 26-year-old Hong Konger, with a major in biochemistry who decided to create bonding with people starting with coffee. And honestly saying, my life can’t live without coffee!

Remembered the first time when I read one-piece, I finished all within a day. The story about a boy called Monkey D. Luffy (Straw Hat Luffy), having a lifelong dream to become the Pirate King. The call of action through Luffy and his members inspired me to set my own goals! Dream of everything from a street guitar player playing around the world, a historical traveler recording his life, adventurer exploring Bermuda Triangle.

Therefore, I decided to write down all of my goals that will last helping me to achieve those identities that I want! I would love to challenge myself when 30 is reached, all of my goals could be completed. 


This is like a documentation of my life, things that I fail most of the time and goals that I achieve with joy and struggle in between. There is always something never done before and I am excited to experience all!


I am now living in Hong Kong and working in front of my computer and as a barista, this is the life I want! Learn to fail, listen while doing and coffee for connection; every story lead to a big adventure! As I believe, for dreams to happen, not just hope! Be the one yourself to record your life!


by Cian Wu

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